Welcome to the 18th edition of “IRISi News”, where we highlight the latest developments up to April 2024!
In this edition, we proudly announce the launch of our National Report 2022-2023, showcasing the remarkable progress of the IRIS and ADViSE programmes. With an impressive 36,352 referrals received, we’re amplifying the healthcare response to gender-based violence nationwide.
Discover the exciting news of a £2.2 million clinical trial aimed at improving the general practice response to men and children affected by domestic abuse under the IRIS+ Programme.
We’re also thrilled to share that the IRIS Programme has resumed in North West London, offering vital support to general practices in Westminster, Hammersmith and Fulham.
Join our #DonateForABrighterFuture campaign to help us ensure sustainable funding for our programmes and expand our reach across the UK. Together, we can create a brighter future, free from harm and fear.
Please click here to read the full edition.
Warm wishes from all of us at IRISi.