The Government’s Call for Evidence for the next VAWG Strategy for 2021-2024 closes this Friday, 19th February.
Imkaan, EVAW and Women’s Aid Federation of England have developed a set of Principles for the next VAWG strategy, which are supported by many other specialist VAWG sector organisations, including IRISi.
Our colleagues at EVAW explain, “These principles set out a bold vision for ensuring a joined-up response to VAWG which is grounded in the reality of women and girls lives. They address some of the key concerns the sector has with the government’s proposed approach – including the decision to de-link domestic abuse from other forms of VAWG. Our objective is to refocus the response on a comprehensive, inclusive and holistic approach to addressing VAWG for all women and girls who are subjected to this oppression and for cohesive support that is strategically aligned to the ‘by and for’ sector.
Our aim is to offer a collective and collaborative response to the government’s call for evidence on the next VAWG strategy.”
The full Joint Principles for the VAWG Strategy document is available here. IRISi will use this to inform our response to the Call for Evidence.