Now published every 4 months, the IRISi newsletter brings an overview of what happened from January to April 2023. This aims to keep all members of the IRISi network – that is, professionals directly or indirectly involved with the IRIS and ADViSE programmes –always updated about our work.
On the front page, you will learn more about the expansion of IRIS in several areas of the UK, including Tameside and Lancashire, as well as four new areas in London, funded through the Violence Reduction Unit (VRU). On the second page, more details about ADViSE, which has gained an extension in Greater Manchester and will also be implemented in two areas of London through the VRU. Plus, more information about our latest National Report.
On the last page, the last call for people interested in becoming an IRISI Board Member – the deadline is getting close, but there is still time to apply! You will also know more about our new Board Director, Daphne Amevenu.
We hope you enjoy it – and share it with people in your network!
Click here to read it.
With best wishes from all of us at IRISi.